Realist narrative, Anti-realist narrative, Animation, Documentary, Talking head, Stand alone, Series.
Realist narrative: A advert that can be seen as real life, something that could really happen.
This advert is realist because it shows a few different ways kids could get dirty and most of these things happen in everyday life, it also shows how mums get the stains out of their clothes. So this advert is realist narrative because it could happen in real life.
Anti-realist narrative: A advert that isn’t real, so it can have anything in the advert such as cartoon characters and other things that aren’t real.
This advert is Anti-realist because in the avert it has two sweets talking which would never happen so its not real. This advert is good because it will make people laugh so more people will remember it and talk about the advert to others. Anti-realist can use humor as a tool because it unrealistic which can make it funny.
Animation: It can be useful because you can make animated characters do what you want because you couldn’t really hit a persons in the face with a hammer, so using animation you can hit a cartoon characters or you could use animation to act like you have hit a real person in the face without hurting them. Using animation you can do things that you couldn’t do in real life.
The coco pop advert is animated to make it relate to kids, because the product is for kids. It tells a story which is anti-realist because its not real. Relating the advert to kids will make them want the product so will keep asking there parents till they buy it. So it’s a good idea to make the advert animation because it will draw the target audience in.